Author Archives: Simsi Team

Intersect Tool

Prioritize your resources with RTMDx. Focus on places that need them most! Your RTM analysis is complete. You know which landscape features influence the spatial patterns of incidents . Now you need to identify which places to prioritize for resource … Read More

Merseyside Police (UK)

Merseyside Police adopts geospatial technology to support crime prevention LIVERPOOL, UK: Merseyside Police is using technology to answer the “where and why” of serious violence across the region, to support crime prevention and to enhance public safety.  Risk Terrain Modeling (RTM), … Read More

Behavior Settings

Crime hot spots are chronic illegal behavior settings. You can diagnose their attractors and generators of illegal behavior with Risk Terrain Modeling (RTM), then aim to change the ways these places influence or enable interactions of people that result in repeated … Read More

ASEBP 2023 was Legendary

The ASEBP 2023 conference in Vegas was legendary for many reasons. The Simsi Team is proud to have been a sponsor. Be sure to check out the recorded video presentations (in the Whova app) by Iain Agar (Metropolitan Police Service, … Read More


DICE™ is the product that provides a strategic framework and process for crime prevention and public safety with Risk Terrain Modeling (RTM). It enables data-informed and community-focused activities and outcomes that meet local needs and expectations with its focus on … Read More

Crime Prevention Evidence

Simsi analytics show you which settings attract criminal behavior in order to disrupt opportunities for crime by focusing on the environment. Simsi’s RTMDx SaaS platform meets community expectations for crime prevention and the operational needs of police at all levels of government … Read More

Geocode and Explore Your Geography

Use Simsi software to explore your geography! With RTMDx, you can quickly explore your geographic landscape to search for places, features, or a single address. See what exists at or around risky areas. Gain a street-level perspective. Use the basic geocoding … Read More

Safe Night Strategic Partnership

UNITED STATES: We’re pleased to announce a new strategic partnership with Safe Night LLC aimed at helping communities work collaboratively to address complex issues. Safe Night assists communities in developing multidisciplinary and collaborative programs focused on the co-production of safety … Read More

Summertime Safe Spaces

Are you ready for the Summer (crime) season? Crime patterns change. The time-of-day or day-of-week makes risky places even more fluid. Summer weather, travel and other activities can make crime patterns more dynamic. Different crime types such as robbery, burglary … Read More

Real-Time Crime & Fusion Centers

Police are under pressure to prevent crime without focusing on people. They need the tools to effectively focus on places instead. The solution is Simsi analytics that tell you which settings attract criminal behavior in order to disrupt opportunities for … Read More