Online Course: Reducing Local Crime with Risk Terrain Modeling
Simsi's collaboration with the IACA makes this training opportunity available to everyone. Proceeds stay with IACA.
Course Overview
This online course relates urban design and management to crime and crime reduction. It is presented through the lens of problem-oriented policing and situational crime prevention to reduce local crime. It shows how to utilize information from multiple sources and Risk Terrain Modeling (RTM) analytics. Other key topics include Risk-Based Policing and Data-Informed Community Engagement.
Access and Availability
Open to anyone. This is an introductory level course. No prior skills in Risk Terrain Modeling, crime analysis, or crime prevention are needed. No specialized hardware or software is required. Each course session is 12 weeks long, and multiple sessions are offered per year.

Materials and Expectations
Students should expect a time commitment of 3-4 hours per week. This course is asynchronous, but participation every week throughout the course term is required. All necessary materials will be provided in each weekly module.
Register Today!
- Full details available at iaca.net/rtm
- Register directly with the IACA: iaca.net/online-classes#RTM