Author Archives: Simsi Team

Empowering Local Crime Prevention: How State Leaders Can Drive Action

Simsi serves clients around the globe and recognizes that local terminology could mean that “state” is interchangeable with “country” in some places or “province” in others. This article primarily covers equivalents of states or provinces in countries like the United … Read More

Tackling Leadership Dilemmas with Risk Terrain Modeling

By Jonas Baughman It would be an understatement to say the landscape of modern policing, particularly in the United States, has changed since 2020.  Policing has always been a challenging profession, but the public’s demand for police accountability and transparency … Read More

EBP in Police1

Why data-informed community engagement is crime prevention and policing reimagined POLICE1: The DICE framework for public safety involves police, but it does not prioritize law enforcement or use it as a singular intervention strategy. READ the FULL STORY

Procedural Justice

Traffic stops by police officers are the most common way the public encounters law enforcement. Nearly 85% of all police-initiated interactions with people in their jurisdictions occur in this way. Enhancing this type of interaction may be the single most … Read More

Fighting Violent Crime with RTM & Support from Federal Grants

Leaders from the Major City Chiefs Association (MCCA) wrote a treatise in 2018 on the demands, tactics, and technologies that can and should be used to address violent crime. This Violent Crime Reduction Operations Guide remains useful and relevant today. … Read More

Organized Retail Crime

Organized retail crime and related safety concerns are a big issue for retailers today. It amounts to a $69-100B loss per year for the private sector, and it impacts the public, law enforcement, and justice systems too. Reputations are damaged … Read More

Goodhart’s Law and DICE™

Goodhart’s Law states, “every measure which becomes a target becomes a bad measure,” and rings especially true when examining large-scale interventions. The risk of overly optimizing resources for singularly-focused initiatives, like a city heavily investing in a specific program as … Read More

Make the Most of Your Simsi Mobile App

The Simsi Mobile App extends Risk Terrain Modeling (RTM) intel into the field, in the palm of your hand. It’s a powerful way to turn your analyses into action. RTM supports many methods of crime prevention, such as directed patrols … Read More

Here’s the Thing

“Here’s the thing”….“No, not quite.” Or, “Chief, lot’s happened since we last spoke,” are some pretty hard ways to start off a conversation. Disappointing someone’s expectations or not supporting a preconceived notion are things we too often frown upon in … Read More

In a Perfect World

Many police departments struggle to transition out of a purely response-driven mode of operation, especially in today’s climate where resource constraints can make proactive policing seem elusive. You may be challenged to find, hire, and retain the officers you need … Read More